Experience in a roundabout
Experience in a roundabout
空間の中で新しい体験を楽しめる「Experience in a roundabout」。梅の花びらや特異な枝ぶりが美しく華やかな空間を作り出し、未来を描くアクリル画があなたの夢を物語っています。一見の価値あるデザインで、あなたの現状を打ち破り、新しい体験の可能性を秘めています。
"Experience in a roundabout" is a space where you can enjoy new experiences. It creates a beautiful and vibrant atmosphere with plum blossoms and unique branches, while acrylic paintings depicting the future narrate your dreams. With its visually captivating design, it breaks through your current situation and holds the potential for new experiences.
▪️作品サイズ : 305×229×3mm
Artworksize : 12×9×0.1inch
▪️作品カテゴリ :BotanicalART×KAORI
Category : BotanicalART×KAORI
▪️ 使用画材
Painting materials used :
● 作品の右上に直筆サインを入れております。
The signature is written
on the top right corner of the work.
● 商品到着後すぐに壁にかけることができます。
You can hang it on the wall as soon as
the painting arrives.
簡単スマホ決済(paidy) / コンビニ払い
クレジットカード / 銀行振込 / PayPal
《Please be sure to read》
It may differ slightly from the actual
product depending on the device model
and the brightness of the display screen.
The sale of the work does not transfer
the copyright.
This product don't have a picture frame.