During the Fresh Green Season
During the Fresh Green Season
季節の折り返しのとき。緑の大地が季語となり、美しい木々が色づき始めます。そんな「新緑の季節」をイメージした「During the Fresh Green Season」は、大地から綴られた作品です。優しい空気感をお楽しみください。
"When the Season Turns Around" is a piece that portrays the imagery of the fresh green season when the lush earth becomes a seasonal symbol and beautiful trees begin to change their colors. It is a work crafted from the essence of the land. Please enjoy the gentle atmosphere it evokes.
▪️サイズ : 210×210×20mm
Size : 8.3×8.3×0.8inch
▪️作品カテゴリ : BotanicalART×KAORI
Category : BotanicalART×KAORI
▪️ 使用画材
Painting materials used :
Wooden panel,Acrylic,varnish.
● 作品の右下に直筆サインを入れております。
The signature is written
on the bottom right corner of the work.
● 商品到着後すぐに壁にかけることができます。
You can hang it on the wall as soon as
the painting arrives.
簡単スマホ決済(paidy) / コンビニ払い
クレジットカード / 銀行振込 / PayPal
《Please be sure to read》
It may differ slightly from the actual
product depending on the device model
and the brightness of the display screen.
The sale of the work does not transfer
the copyright.
This product does not have a picture frame.